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1 News / Re: my new topic test discord!
« Last post by TurnKey Admin on September 09, 2018, 02:26:15 pm »
here i go!
2 News / my new topic test discord!
« Last post by TurnKey Admin on September 09, 2018, 02:25:25 pm »
my new topic test discord!
3 News / Re: test discord post
« Last post by TurnKey Admin on September 09, 2018, 02:22:13 pm »
try #3 here we go
4 News / Re: test discord post
« Last post by TurnKey Admin on September 09, 2018, 02:19:55 pm »
here i go
5 News / test discord post
« Last post by TurnKey Admin on September 09, 2018, 02:18:33 pm »
test discord post!
Support / Re: IMS Pro upgrades
« Last post by Digitalupload on October 09, 2011, 05:20:00 pm »
You still planning on upgrading the IMS Pro script? It has been about 4 years since we wrote the above posts and unless I missed something, doesn't look like anything has changed. If your not planning on developing it further, would you be interested in selling the script and all rights to it? The reason I ask is you know from 4 years ago, I put a lot of money into the script paying programmers to add features and change some things to make the script a little more upgrade friendly.   

I would rather sell the script with all my updates but I could also sell current users of the script the upgrade files I have. Two more major changes I have added is you can specify unlimited number of file types to add, so its not just an image hosting script anymore. Once I did that I had a large influx of users and files so I had no choice but to have a multi server option coded in. Now you can add unlimited number of slave file servers from within the admin panel. Click add new server, put in the details and its up and running. All details are still kept in the database but the physical file is stored on any number of the slave servers. You can activate or deactivate them at any time.

Let me know your thoughts. If your not interested in selling the rights to the script, maybe you would be interested in purchasing some of my upgrades so I can turn around and put that money back into the script in new features. Hope to hear from you. Thanks,

Presales / feature set, screen shots or sites using the community script
« Last post by fparker on September 13, 2010, 06:42:47 am »

Do you have a place with description of included feature set? Also, do you have screen shots of these features? This would make it easier to tell what is included and what would have to be purchased afterwords.

Also do you have a list of known sites making use of the community script?

Support / Re: IMS Pro TWO Issues
« Last post by TurnKey Admin on May 06, 2010, 12:58:43 pm »
Seems like it is controlled by $user_info[max_filesize] which mean be a setting in IMS Pro.
I haven't touched IMS Pro since I took it over mainly since the code would need a lot of work to bring it up to higher quality.
Support / Re: IMS Pro TWO Issues
« Last post by on May 06, 2010, 10:46:32 am »
I appreciate the quick response. So you're saying what I've altered to IMS Pro is correct and should work? I tried to upload a file that 1.7mb (under the 2mb set by php yet IMS Pro still refuses to accept the file.

I'm seeing upload_max_filesize 2M and post_max_size 8M

I might be the largest service using IMS Pro. So, it's important for me to get this working for the people that ask for it. I bought, installed and have been using it since 2006. I have 670 users and over 30,000 images uploaded.
Support / Re: IMS Pro TWO Issues
« Last post by TurnKey Admin on May 06, 2010, 10:38:33 am »
1 and 2 are php related settings.

Increasing Upload Limits PHP

By default php sets the max upload filesize to 2mb
To view your current php settings create the following file
Code: [Select]

Save it as info.php and upload to your website then view it in your browser.

The two important variables are

Next step is to change those settings. Look for "Configuration File (php.ini) Path " and
"Loaded Configuration File" on the phpinfo page to find your php settings are stored.

Edit that file and increase upload_max_filesize and post_max_size to the size of the largest file you wish to be allowed uploaded.

Then after your save those changes be sure to restart your webserver for the changes to take affect.

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